Saturday, May 15, 2010


Computer Mediated Communication or CMC is interaction between people via means of media. These include but not limited to email, internet video and audio. Face to face is interaction between people in person. There are many reasons as to why one may be better than the other. Some people will prefer CMC because it offers a more convenient way of interacting with people. Others will prefer face to face because it offers a more interpersonal connection with the people.
In thinking outside of the box, I can see that people can lose some of the social skills that develop with F2F interaction. We can lose some of the verbal communication with CMC. For example if we are emailing back and forth on a solution for a project, we may lose the verbal signs that we get from F2F. If we read the email and disagree with it, then our facial expression changes, and possibly our body language. It will be difficult to get a full understanding f the problem with just words alone. I think the biggest draw back with CMC is responding in real world. With F2F, if a problem occurs, it can be discussed immediately, instead of having a communication lag with CMC.

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